Monday, 8 June 2015

I don't know what's happened to me, but it's a very long tine since I posted anything interesting.

There hasn't been much going on here,as once again I have been unwell! Therefore cooking goes on the back burner,and I seem to live off porridge, hot custard ,and cheese on toast if feeling peckish. Not a very culinary experience at all.
However, I have friends coming to eat at the end of the week, so I shall make a Feta cheesecake , or rather it will go into pots  ,and then be jazzed up with some cucumber in a sweet chilli and black olives there is so much great fresh fruit that we will have a good chice of what's best, and for the main course, it will either be PastaPuttanesca,  or a salad of smoked duck breast with  oranges and avocados ,and a potato salad with capers and celery mixed in.  
See how I feel on  the day