Here's what I did.
First stoned the damsons,which were soft and luscious, weighted them ,added the same amount of chopped onions,and two large cloves of garlic, then put the onions and garlic in a sauté pan with some butter and olive oil ,and cooked them until they were transparent.
I then then added the damsons, and enough sugar to make it sweet .but not too sweet. Poured in quarter of a bottle of red wine,and the rest of the damson gin that was left from the bottling. Stirred that around, added salt and pepper, a touch of chilli and a small star anise ,and let it simmer down till it was jammy , when I have bottled it to be ready for Christmas.
It has made three pots,which will be good to give away with a bottle of the damson gin. That's 3 presents done! I made some lemon curd as well.