Thursday, 6 November 2014

The perils of being one handed yet again!

Last night as well as preparing a chicken liver terrine, I made some strawberry jam,as there was half a punnet left from when my granddaughter stayed the night. 
250 Grammes of strawberries, the same of preserving sugar ,and the juice of half a lemon. Boiled the fruit up,it set well, and potted it . This morning I was  tightening the lid of the jar, when it slipped from my grasp, and  onto the floor, covering my shoe and halfway up my trouser leg. Of course most of it went onto the floor,so I have very little to show for all that effort.
 Luckily it didn't break,as broken glass and sticky jam would have been dreadful to clear up.
One of the many times that  I curse having had a stroke which  has left me with only one workable hand. 
Chicken liver terrine is now cooking. Will take a photo and give the recipe later.