Friday, 31 October 2014

End of the month,and it seems I have done very little

Maybe it's because I have been giving all my energies to getting back as I was on 24 th September, when I fell and broke my foot. 
 This  has been a nightmare,as I have  had to employ carers again ,and move around the house 
in  the wheelchair.  However, after 5 weeks of bashing into the walls  ( newly decorated) and taking off  layers of paint, I am now walking very carefully with a stick again. The foot hurts a lot, but I am assured it will be less painful as time  goes  by.  I feel I am living on a snakes and ladders board!
When I manage something worth putting on the blog, I assure you all I will do it.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Wonderful vegetarian dish.

Of potato, brown mushrooms, spinach.
First I cut the potatoes to roughly the same size as the cut mushrooms, and boiled them for 10 minutes, then I drained them,added a little butter,and put in the mushrooms. After 5 minutes, I added the spinach, stirred it round till the spinach had wilted,and poured over a small bowlful of very creamy leek and potato soup.added some ground black pepper, and turned the whole mix until it was thoroughly coated in the sauce. It is out of focus ,sorry about that!
Absolutely delicious none the less.